Check out a few tips on how to transform your writing into a stress treatment.A long, long time ago, writing was all about expressing opinions, thoughts, and emotions. Now, it’s all about getting feedback. Whatever we write, we post it online and we expect people to comment. When writers publish a book, they monitor the online activity of their target audience, so they can measure the results.
It seems like that intuitive desire to write just because of writing is long gone. Moreover, it seems like our focus on getting popular is making us more stressed than ever. We are measuring success by the way other people perceive our work.
When you write for a living, of course the perception of the audience is important. However, you should never forget that writing for the sake of writing is more important than writing for the sake of being liked. The moment that realization settles in, you’ll get rid of the stress related to meeting expectations.
Zdroj: How Writing Can Help You Avoid Stress and Enjoy a Healthier Life via @writerspotlight