If you have known me for awhile, you know that I am an avid book reader. I always have been and thankfully, my kids seem to be bookworms too. A great family day out for us is a trip to the bookstore, where we can read and peruse books for hours. When people ask me how I stay so sane when I have little time to myself, I tell them I read. Funny, but true!
Over the last couple years, I have gravitated towards non fiction books and I believe that has been a large source of my inspiration and growth as a business owner. I not only read business and leadership books, but I read inspirational books and personal development books. I do have an Audible membership, but there is something about having a book in your hand and underlining and taking notes in it. Yes, I write in most of my books and I am so glad I started. It helps my mind retain the information with clarity, and organize it. I used to be a collector of information, but I never really put what I learned into practice. Now, I choose books based on what I need in my life, and I take notes and make an effort to put that knowledge into practice. I truly believe I am a better wife, mother, friend and business owner because of what and how I read.
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